Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The Rings

The Rings

Dad & Mom
Dad & my brother Gene
The Norton Girls

The highlight of the night at the 30th Anniversary Party was when my parents exchanged gifts. My Dad(as my sister and I knew) had bought my Mom an eternity ring and my Mom (again, as Mallory and I knew) had bought my Dad a wedding ring. Now my Dad has NEVER worn a wedding ring because it would have gotten ruined in his business, so my mom was finally going to buy him one now that he's "semi-retired." Well the big surprise came when my Dad gave my Mom the little box that revealed a gold wedding band. I was dumbfounded and so was Mallory, since we both knew he was buying her a ring w/ diamonds on it. He said he had finally gotten a present my Mom had always wanted...a wedding ring for himself!! He actually bought himself a wedding ring! Well, that kind of spoiled the gift my Mom had bought for him! He then gave her the ring with the diamonds, which she loved! But all 3 of the rings were beautiful and my Dad ended up keeping the one he had bought for himself since it fit better. We just couldn't believe my Dad had kept that secret from us and actually thought of doing something so clever!

Mom & Dad's 30th Anniversary Party

Our Family

Hana & Morgan The Fabulous Fox Family

I know I've been slacking on this post but work has been slightly busy. This past Saturday Mallory, my brother Gene and I threw a 30th Anniversary Party for my parents at the St. Francis Xavier Parish Center. It was a lot of work, but well worth it. My parents loved the party and we had a really good turnout of family members and their friends. Special thanks go out to everyone who helped make this party possible by running errands and bringing food, and especially to Mrs. Barbara, Mr. Tim and Meredith Fox who all went above and beyond. They helped us secure the room, set-up, decorate, find the song my parents danced to at their wedding, clean up and even brought delicious gumbo. Meredith, you should definitely go into party have a knack for it!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Congratulations, Morgan!

Morgan found out today that she made the school choir!! She had to audition two separate times during music class and finally heard back about it today. She'll be practicing during the week at school and then they'll sing at different school events. She's very excited!!!! I guess she takes after Grampy and Nanny!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Meet Viola

My sister Mallory adopted a puppy yesterday that is a combination of chihuahua and rat terrier. She named her Viola (pronounced Vi-la) after a character in Shakespeare's play Twelfth Night. Apparently the dog adoption process in North Carolina is a little demanding. Mallory had to interview with three separate people before one lady had to go do a house visit to make sure my parents' house was an ok environment for the dog. Surprisingly Mallory didn't have to leave a blood or urine sample! She was finally able to bring the puppy home today, so welcome Viola!

Monday, August 14, 2006

1st Day of School!

Morgan started 3rd grade today!! I cannot believe she's a 3rd grader already! She started a new school and was so excited about going, especially since she got to ride the bus this morning. It picks her up right in front of our house, so she just has to walk out the door and across the street and she's on her way! She met a lot of new people and one girl in her class is also named Morgan and she lives in our subdivision, too. I guess Morgans stick together because she said they played together at recess. She also auditioned for the school choir during music class...she's already a joiner!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Morgan's Home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After 2 long months, Morgan is finally back at home!! My dad drove her in today and after lots of hugs and kisses, we all celebrated her homecoming by going out to eat at the Abita Brew Pub. I was amazed at how tall she has gotten since I last saw her! She looks so much older, too! I'm just glad that she's finally home!!!!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Happy Birthday Hattie!!

Today is Hattie's 10th Birthday, which makes her 70 in dog years! Hattie is my parents' Scottie dog and they got her when I was a freshman in college. Poor dog...they actually bought her a pink polo to wear! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HATTIE!!!!!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Having Fun with Cousins

Morgan has been staying with Grammy, Grampy and Nanny in Asheville for the past few weeks. While she has been there, my brother Gene, his wife Saya and their kids Jarod and Hana were also visiting my parents, so Morgan got to spend some time with them. They had lots of fun going fishing since Grammy & Grampy bought all the kids fishing poles.

They also got to celebrate Grampy's 63rd Birthday and ate yummy chocolate cake...I'm upset I missed out on that!

And then they went to Tweetsie Railroad in North Carolina and then drove down to Pigeon Forge, TN. While they were there, they got to go to Dollywood for a few days. That's lots of excitement for one week!!