Sunday, December 31, 2006

Fireworks on New Year's Eve

Time to Light the Fireworks

Shooting off a Roman Candle

Sparkler Time

Kirk bought fireworks for the 1st time ever and I have to admit, I've never bought fireworks in my life either. In fact, I've never shot off fireworks; I've only done the sparklers as a child. I'm not big on the popping noises and I'm afraid the house is going to catch on fire. So when Kirk said he was buying fireworks, I was a little concerned. We went outside and he and Julian shot a few off and then that was enough for me...I went inside and baked some cookies.

Morgan just being herself!

In from Iraq

My cousin Michael has been in Iraq for the last few months (6, I believe?) and finally came in town for a brief visit before he has to go back. This picture of him and Morgan was taken on Christmas Day when we went to eat at my cousin Emily's house in Covington. She and her husband Jason had just built and moved into the house and it's beautiful! We had a great time at their house and were so happy we got to spend it with them, Michael, Aunt Paula, Uncle Mike and Brady on Christmas Day.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Julian is Here

I'm a little late in posting this but Julian arrived! Kirk flew to North Carolina the day after Christmas to pick him up and fly him back down here. They got back in that night and the first thing Julian wanted to do presents! He got a Robo Reptile, remote control cars, some video and computer games and then a dartboard from my parents, which is already hanging on the office wall.

These are some pics of Julian and Morgan riding an electric scooter in the neighborhood. It belongs to Avery who lives across the street. Looks like fun! Kirk even joined in and rode the scooter.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Morning Part 2

Poydras is excited it's Christmas!
My New Jacket
Morgan's Heely's
The Jacket and Shirt from cousins Ansley and Cody
Morgan then proceeded to open presents from under the tree. She got a putting machine, birdie balls and CD Walkman from us, some clothes and a journal from her dad and a Limited Too gift card and Heely's from Grammy and Grampy. She loved those, but let's just hope she doesn't break any bones! Morgan also got the PJ's she's wearing, along with a robe and some socks from Granny and Grandpa Thomson and she got some beautiful earrings from Uncle Jeremy that she wore on Christmas Eve. Morgan wants to thank everyone for all of her great gifts! I got some great stuff, too! A new jacket, a golf bag and set of irons and a pajama set. I'm so excited!! Thanks Kirk and Morgan for such a great Christmas! We gave Kirk a new ski jacket and gloves, ski socks and a shirt. He also got an I-Tunes gift card from Santa!

Christmas Morning

Anxiously Waiting to See What Santa LeftCheetah Girls 2 CD
Finally Realizing Santa Left a Disney Mobile Phone
Oh No!!!
Morgan woke us up at 6:00 a.m. to see what Santa left her! She got lots of great things from him, including a Cheetah Girls 2 CD, Floam, golf balls and tees. Her big present was a Disney Mobile cell phone. It took her awhile to realize he had left her one, but when she saw it, she went crazy!! I thought the neighbors were going to call the police on us she was yelling so loudly!

Christmas Eve

Despite the rain outside, we had a very nice Christmas Eve. We went to 4:00 Mass at Our Lady of the Lake Church then had dinner at Rockafeller's. It's a seafood and steak restaurant on the Northshore where we had never been, plus there was no wait at that time, so that was even better. When we got home, we each got to open a present from under the tree. Morgan opened one from her dad (some clothes) and one from Kirk and I (Shark Boy and Lava Girl DVD). The DVD came with 3D glasses, so that is what we are wearing in the picture above. I opened up a present Morgan had bought me with her own was a green robe and it's very soft. I also got to open one from Kirk and it was a Tiffany's ring to match my necklace and bracelet. I love it! Kirk opened one from Morgan and Julian...a Banana Republic gift card. We all watched a Christmas special together on Christmas in New Orleans and then it was time to go to bed and wait for Santa to arrive!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

More Party Pictures

The Birthday Girl
Yummy Cake
Party Time

Morgan's Birthday Party

Gavin stopping for a picture
The girls just hanging around
Morgan and Caitlyn
Katie playing in the Pit

After the FKF event, we had Morgan's birthday party at Mandeville Sports Complex. A lot of her friends showed up, and some of the family, too. I think this was the easiest party I've ever thrown for Morgan since everything was included. We only had to show up with drinks for the adults and the party favors...pretty easy. The kids enjoyed jumping around and then ate pizza, cake and ice cream!

Fore!Kids Event at Toys "R" Us

Today the Fore!Kids Foundation hosted an event at Toys "R" Us in Metairie. Zurich, the title sponsor of our local PGA TOUR stop, decided to give a very special Christmas gift to needy families in our area. On behalf of the PGA Players, they donated 22o Toys "R" Us gift cards valued at $100 a piece to children from our different charities. We decided to make an event out of it and had the families come out to the store to get their cards, a TY TOUR Teddy bear and free food and drink. They could then go into the store to shop and even had their own checkout line. It was a great day and so rewarding to be able to provide these kids with a gift like that. The kids were so happy and were able to buy lots of great things for themselves for Christmas. It's days like this that truly make my job worth it!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Morgan's Birthday

New Scooter!
Comfy Blanket

After a long day of school and skipping her dancing class, Morgan finally got to celebrate her birthday with presents and a yummy ice cream cake.


It's been 9 years since Morgan Kennedy came into the world 5 weeks early and weighing only 5 lbs. 6 oz. She certainly has caught up with that over the years!! She's about as tall as a 12-year-old, too! Morgan keeps me busy and my life very entertaining at times...she truly loves to show off. I just still can't believe 9 years have gone by and I couldn't have asked for anyone better. Have a great day, Morgan! I love you!

I'm sorry if these pictures are a little fuzzy...they survived Katrina and I had to scan and crop out the yucky stuff that had gotten on them. Isn't she cute though? Look how small Morgan was in the two baby pictures. Those were taken a few days after she was born. The other was when she was a few months old.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Happy Birthday, Mallory!!!!

Today is my sister Mallory's 23rd birthday!!! She's up in North Carolina so we don't get to have cake and ice cream with her this year, but maybe she'll save us a piece! Hope you had a great birthday, Mallory!!!!And congrats on the new job!

Christmas Concert

Last night Morgan sang with her school choir at the Tammany Trailhead. There is a mini Christmas village set up there complete with a stage, so we braved the cold weather to hear her sing. She even had a duet with another little girl...they sang The First Noel. She had to audition for that and was so excited to be chosen! She did a great job, as did the rest of her choir!

PGATTA Conference -- in Scottsdale!

16th Tee (Bird's Nest) with structures almost up for FBR Open
Me standing on 18th tee with view of clubhouse in background
View of TPC Scottsdale Course
Fairway (not sure which one)
The Course and the spots of desert
Well a few days after I got back from Ponte Vedra, I had to leave for another conference in Scottsdale, AZ. It is absolutely gorgeous there and just amazing to see. This conference was for the PGA Tour Tournaments Association and it was a way for all the tournaments to get together in one place to hear upcoming news in the TOUR and to share ideas with one another. We also got to play golf (surprise, surprise). This time we played Grayhawk and the TPC Scottsdale Stadium course. I did much better by the time I got to the TPC and I think my game will soon be coming around (or at least I hope so). What was so neat about the area and about these courses is that you see the green of the course and then surrounded by it is desert and an amazing view. The TPC Scottsdale is where they hold the FBR Open and it draws a HUGE gallery. They already have most of the skyboxes around 16 (the Bird's Nest) and 17 built. The picture I have posted of 16 doesn't even begin to show the amount of structure they set up there; it literally encircles most of that hole from tee to green!