Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Today is my baby's birthday!!! Ok, so she's not much of a baby anymore since she is now 10...the big double digits! We had a big party for her at our house this past Saturday, which just happened to be my sister Mallory's 24th birthday. Happy Birthday, Mal!!! I'll post pics of the party as well as the ones from the Jonas Brothers Concert soon, I promise.

Have a Happy Birthday yooooouuu. And we'll have a great day, toooooo. Everybody play cause it's Morgan's special day. Happy Birthday, blow out the candles...ppfffffeeeewww(that's supposed to be the sound you make when you blow out the candles...I just don't know how to spell that)!!!!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Dog Whisperer Anyone?

Listening Intently to Cesar Milan, The Dog Whisperer, on the TV
Still Watching Cesar
Poydras and Morgan Posing for the Camera

Poydras is an outside dog but we've been letting him into the house to hang out with us a lot lately. It's mostly because he's been barking and howling and we're trying to quiet him down. He's become a little spoiled though and will hop up on the sofa next to us and just hang out. We've discovered that he likes watching The Dog Whisperer on the National Geographic Channel...ya know Cesar Milan (I think he's magical). Anytime he hears a dog barking he'll stop and look at the TV. Last night he was just laying on the sofa watching the show...it was so cute so we had to get a picture of it. He has also started posing for the camera. Everytime he saw Kirk with the camera, he would stop, sit and look at him.

1st LSU Game

Morgan and Haley
In Tiger Stadium (yes,I have glasses now)
The Two LSU Fans
Crashed in the Back Seat on the Ride Home

Morgan has been asking to go to an LSU game so last Saturday, we packed up and headed to Baton Rouge for the LSU/LA Tech game...yes, we pretty much figured it would be a blow-out and it was. We brought Morgan's friend Haley with us and the girls had lots of fun, then got tired, then ate ice cream and perked up. The only thing Morgan wanted to see was the new Tiger Mike VI and she got to see him. The Tigers ended up winning 58-10.

Halloween 2007

Morgan and Kylie
Morgan and Kylie with Skeletor
The Punk and the Pirate
Our Jack o' Lantern
The Dead Skateboarder

Well this is a little late in being posted, but here are the Halloween pics from this year. Morgan's friend Kylie and her mom Terri came by to go trick or treating with us and we had lots of fun. Morgan went as a Pirate Girl, I was a punk and Kirk was a dead skateboarder. He just likes putting on all the makeup :)

Saturday, October 27, 2007

My New Old Job

Well, the reason why I was able to stay for a week in San Francisco with Kirk is because I quit my job at Fore!Kids Foundation and decided to take a MUCH needed break for a few weeks. I hadn't had any time off since January, and after putting in 10-14 hour days (sometimes more) leading up to the Zurich Classic in April, I just couldn't take it anymore. The drive was starting to wear on me, too, and there was way too much drama in my office. I was always exhausted when I got home from work and I pretty much couldn't move on the weekends. And I just wasn't able to spend any time with Morgan and Kirk because I was always working. It was great to have the break but now I'm back at work...at WLAE. Yep, I'm back there for the 3rd time; I just can't stay away. I realized I was always pretty happy there and the drive is much shorter and my co-workers are A LOT nicer. Besides, television is my thing. So now for the first time in a year, I'm happy again.

Saturday, October 20, 2007


Benziger Vineyards
Grapes that have been crushed
Harvested Grapes
Benziger Cellars
Kirk thinks these look like huge crawfish pots

Grapes on the vine
Gloria Ferrer vineyards
Gloria Ferrer Cellars (there are over 53,000 bottles of aging wine along the wall)
A rose at the Crane Vineyards (the roses help detect if the vines will do well or not)

On our very last day (boohoo), we went on another tour with the conference, but this time it was to Sonoma. We visited 3 vineyards...Benziger, Gloria Ferrer and Crane. Benziger by farwas the best tour and the best wine. We rode in a tram through the vineyards, then saw the cellars and crusher. At Gloria Ferrer, we walked and overlooked different things, including their cellars. This one is a vineyard for making sparkling wine. At Crane, we didn't have a tour, it was all just a tasting, but Kirk and I didn't really like their wine.

By the way, we had a great hotel right off Market Street and not far from Union Square. Kirk decided to try Priceline and we got a great deal on our room at Parc 55 Hotel. And besides that, it was a great hotel, too.

Parc 55 Hotel

San Fran Day 5

The ceiling in Neiman Marcus
Union Square
Yerba Buena Gardens (Kirk made me pose) designed by a local landscape architect
Yerba Buena Gardens
Another park designed by a landscape architect
Standing in front of the Bay Bridge
Dungeness Crab --Yummy!!!
Riding a cable car down California St.

On our final day to ourselves, we hit the spots we hadn't seen yet, including the Embarcadero, the Financial District and a few things designed by landscape architects. Have I mentioned I love San Francisco yet?

The Redwoods and Sausalito

City Hall
Golden Gate Bridge (a little blurry since it was taken while we were riding over it)
Redwoods at Muir Woods
Boats docked at Sausalito
View of the city

On Sunday, we got to take a tour with the ASLA conference to see the Redwood Forest and then to the town of Sausalito. It was exciting because we got to cross the Golden Gate Bridge to get there and back. The Redwoods were unbelievable...very peaceful and the woods smelled like Christmas! We then were brought to Sausalito, which is kind of a boating town, but you had great views of the city. After the tour, Kirk had to go to classes, so I was left on my own to do my favorite thing...shopping!

San Fran Day 3

Waiting for the Blue Angels
Sea Lions
MORE Sea Lions
Lombard St.
A view of the city and Coit Tower

On Saturday, we went to Pier 39 to see the sea lions. It was packed with people due to the fact it was Fleet Week and the Blue Angels were about to do their air show. We also walked down the famous Lombard St., which is known as "The Crookedest Street in the World."

San Fran Day 2

The LONG line for the Powell St. Cable Car (as you can see it wraps all the way around)
Outside of Grace Cathedral
Inside of Grace Cathderal
Haight Ashbury
The Cliff House
Seal Rocks
Kirk and I with the Pacific Ocean in the background
A view of the beach and the Pacific Ocean

Day 2 included more walking but a lot more bus riding (thank goodness). We did, however, walk all the way up this HUGE hill to Grace Cathedral, which is the 3rd largest Episcopal Cathedral in the US. Let me tell you, it was amazing! We then hit Nob Hill and Haight Ashbury and walked thru some of Golden Gate Park. We made our way to the Pacific side to see the Ocean and to have lunch at the Cliff House, all complete with a view of the Seal Rocks. It was very windy and cold on this side though. After our busy day, we went back to the hotel to get ready for the ASLA reception.