Monday, July 23, 2007

The End

Well it took me about 14 hours to read, but it's now complete. I read all day yesterday and a few hours this evening to finish and now I'm so sad to have no more to read. I'm not going to spoil anything, but it was a really good book. I preordered Julian a copy, too, and he is now halfway finished. If you haven't read any of the books, I highly suggest it. The series is so addictive to read!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Claire Alexandra Litchfield

We finally got to meet Baby Claire!! Yvette and Brian were in town recently and they had Claire with them, so Morgan and I stopped by the Litchfield house for a quick visit. She's so cute!! She looks a lot like Yvette's mom Mrs. Barbara. And look at that head of hair! She was almost a month old in these pictures and has more hair than Morgan had at the age of 2!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

He's Baaaaccccckkkkk!

Julian arrived on June 30th and so far has hung out with his friends on more than one occassion, gone to a Zephyr's game, been swimming, went to see Transformers, worked on the duplex in Lakeview, gone to Uncle Leon's camp on the Jourdan River in Mississippi and fought with Morgan. Not bad for only being here a week and a half! I think we'll be hitting the movies this weekend since Harry Potter comes out on Wednesday and we're both big fans!

Morgan wanted to make this sign for him...word to the wise--don't EVER buy glitter glue pens from a dollar store. It took all my strength and over an hour to get the stuff out of the tubes.

A New 'Do

I took Morgan to get her hair cut and what started off being a little trim ended up being layers with long bangs. She started looking through magazines while we were waiting and found one of Jennifer Love Hewitt that she liked. So now it's to her shoulders, slightly layered, with long bangs.