Saturday, May 10, 2008

Meet Tchoups

Right After Adoption
Getting His Belly Rubbed
Kirk, Elise, Morgan, Tchoups & Poydras
Relaxing in the Grass
Me w/ Tchoups & Poydras
Tchoups When He Was Still in the Shelter

Two weeks ago we went to the PetSmart in Slidell and they were having a Humane Society Adoption Day. We only went in to get some food for Poydras, but ended up with a new doggie!!! He's a 9-month-old German Shephard/Collie mix and he's so cute and sweet and very smart. His name was Angus when we adopted him, but we changed it to Tchoupitoulas and call him Tchoups. He and Poydras mostly get along, except when there is food involved, so now we feed them separately. His favorite activities are digging in mud puddles, nipping at Poydras' neck to get him to play, chewing on all his toys, opening the back door with his paws and laying in the sand box. He also likes to pull the cushions off the patio chairs and make a bed for himself. Smart dog!

Papal Visit to the US

Busy NYC
I was fortunate enough to be able to cover the Pope's visit to the United States. I went with Sarah from the Arch. of N.O. and served as her producer. We went to Washington, DC and then on to NYC to cover all of the papal events. Needless to say, it was a VERY busy trip with all of the shooting and walking we had to do. We hired a photog and an audio op to be with us to shoot interviews, b-roll and Sarah's stand-ups. These guys (Idin and Mike) were absolutely fantastic and we loved working with them. We ended up with great footage and made a great show out of it. In New York, I was able to visit with my brother Gene, his wife Saya and kids Jared, Hana and little Sophiya. We went to lunch on my last day and walked around a bit in Times Square. I wish I could have visited longer, but unfortunately had to also work that day. The pics in this post are the only ones I took during the entire week! No sightseeing for us!