Monday, September 22, 2008

It's Been Awhile

Well, as you may already know, I've been a blog slacker. My last post was in May and lots have happened since then. Here are some of the highlights:
  • Morgan had her dance recital. It was her 8th year and she got to do a trio.
  • Morgan finished 4th grade (thank God! It was a rough year).
  • Kirk and I enjoyed a trip to Cozumel while Morgan hung out with my parents. Of course there was a tropical storm close by when we first got there, but it wasn't too bad...just a few days of light rain. There were no other mishaps on this trip, although I did get motion sickness during a dive and threw up the minute I got on the boat.
  • Julian came in town for the month of July and we went with the Colgans for a weekend in Gulf Shores.
  • My cousin Emily had her adorable baby Karsen and my brother Brian welcomed my new little niece Nia.
  • We threw my dad a birthday party at my house for his 65th birthday!
  • Morgan started 5th grade and actually likes her teacher. Here's hoping for a better and easier year.
  • Three years after Katrina hit, we found ourselves evacuating for Gustav. We packed up the car with our important pictures, documents and all of Morgan's artwork, along with our 2 dogs and headed out of town at 3 a.m. on a Sunday. After driving for 11 hours, we finally made it to Atlanta and stayed one night at Scott Pepperman's lake house on Lake Lanier. The dogs LOVED it there. The next day we piled into the car and drove a few more hours to stay with my parents in Asheville, NC. We finally got to see my parents' new house (of almost 3 years) and did all the touristy things...went to the Biltmore, drove the Blue Ridge Parkway, went to downtown Asheville. We also went to Morgan's grandparents' house (Phyllis and Bob) for dinner and Morgan was able to visit with them, Uncle "Bear," her dad and Maria. After staying in Asheville for almost 4 days, we left and headed down to Charlotte to hang out with Julian. We took him to Carowinds and had a great time. We left Charlotte on a Saturday at 4:00 p.m. and drove all night till we finally got home at 2:00 a.m. on entire week after we had evacuated. Luckily we had very minimal damage and had electricity by the time we got back.
  • Two weekends ago, Kirk and I went to Boston for his friend Neal's wedding. Of course that was the same day Ike decided to come close by for a visit. The concourse we were flying out of had no electricity, but JetBlue still flew us out of there and we made it to the wedding just in time. We spent a few days in Boston after that and I loved it there! Well, other than the fact that our camera got stolen in Harvard, and with it went all of the pictures we had taken in Asheville and of the evacuation, as well as the many pictures we had already taken in Boston (including a BoSox game at Fenway!). We were pretty devastated, but we bought a new camera and quickly (in a day and a half) revisited everything we had already seen in Boston and took new pictures. We don't have any from the BoSox game or from the wedding, but at least we have some pics from our trip.
  • This past weekend, my former co-worker Tom got married, but I forgot to bring the camera.
  • Morgan made All-State Honor Chorus and we will be heading to Baton Rouge in mid-October for her to rehearse and perform.

Well, I think that's it. I'll try to post some pics of some past things soon. There won't be any from the evacuation though :( Sorry it's been so long!