Tuesday, May 30, 2006

I must be nuts!

After constantly reading EVERYONE else's blogs, I've decided to start my own. Of course this blog will not be about me, but about Morgan, since she consumes most of my life. For those of you who don't know Morgan, which is highly impossible since she talks to anyone who listens, she's a crazy, prissy, athletic little girl!

She loves shopping, clothes, shopping, music, shopping, dancing, shopping and eating as much as possible. Did I mention she loves to shop? She's 8-years-old now and people say she looks just like me. She's almost as tall as I am, too, and wears a size 4 shoe! A size 4...I only wear a 7! Hopefully this blog provides all of our friends and family who live out of town a chance to keep up with Morgan. I can't even keep up with her! She's always on the go! BTW, thanks to my best friend Sherry...I stole these pics of Morgan from her blog.


Anonymous said...

That pretty much sums up my niece/godchild pretty well, although I think she may like to eat more than anything.

Chrishelle said...

Yeah, I think you're right about that!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I know I am.

Anonymous said...

You know, she consumes most of my life, too (remember me, your husband Kirk...the goofy looking one with the wheezing problem?)
Even though BOTH of you consume most of my life, I am lucky to be part of the lives of the two most beautiful women I know (inside and out).

Anonymous said...

awww how sweet...very corny, but sweet

Anonymous said...

I think this is a great idea Chrishelle. Morgan is so adorable you need to share her with the rest of the world. I think what Kirk said is the sweetest thing that I have ever heard. And he isn't goofy looking.

Sherry said...

I am SO glad that you started a blog! I don't care if you steal my pics! I love that girl. She'll probaby be my daughter-in-law one day - Gavin II wants to marry her! :)

steele family said...

so glad you started a blog, i'll check in often!

Anonymous said...

Chrishelle I saw this link on my cousins blog. Morgan looks just like you. You have a very beautiful daughter. It is very hard to believe that the Morgan in the Communion pictures are the same little girl that was sweating up a storm at Gavin's birthday party.

Anonymous said...

awww, how sweet

Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.