Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Nanny Mallory's College Graduation

The same day as Morgan's Communion, we had to pack up and head to Mobile for my sister's graduation from Spring Hill College. Mallory received a B.S. in English and Secondary Education on Sunday, May 14, 2006 at an outside ceremony on the "Avenue of Oaks." It was a beautiful day...2 days actually because we had the Baccalaureate Mass on Saturday evening, along with multiple receptions and parties. Those Jesuits sure do know how to throw a party! I think the whole graduation weekend started on Thursday, but unfortunately we only made it for Saturday and Sunday. Congratulations, Mallory! We're very proud of you!!


Anonymous said...

i'm pretty proud of myself...and i look like crap in these pics

Chrishelle said...

No, you don't look like crap...hush up.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your Graduation, Mallory! ...and you look great! See you all soon!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Congratz, Mal, on your graduation. Your campus is beautiful, and your college knows how to throw parties...reminded me of 137 years ago when I went to LSU and we used to have keg parties for John F. Kennedy and Jane Fonda.

Anonymous said...

ur so random, kirk, but i'm glad u could make it. yeah, those jesuits do know how to throwdown

Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.