Thursday, June 01, 2006

Awards Day

Morgan had awards day at school today and she came home with the Religion award, as well as Silver Honor Roll for the 4th quarter and for the year...she did a wonderful job given the circumstances of the year. Then again, she always does a wonderful job in school! Yippee, Morgan!!! Aunt Barbara and Meredith took Morgan out to lunch to celebrate the end of a great year at St. Francis! She also lost a tooth today, so guess who's coming for a visit tonight...


Anonymous said...

she's so smart...just liek her nanny.

Anonymous said...


Chrishelle said...

Nanny can't even spell the word "like" in her comment so apparently Morgan takes after me. I thought you were trying to be an English teacher...don't they teach you to proofread before they let you graduate?

Anonymous said...

i knew u were going to say something, witch. u mess up all the time, too. i don't pay attention when i'm typing stuff on a English paper is a different story.

Anonymous said...

Do you 2 have to argue even on a BLOG!!! And she takes after me for her intelligence!

Anonymous said...

We are so very proud of you!!!
Love Grammy and Grampy

Sherry said...

Congrats Morgan - you are one smart cookie, kid! You are a wonderful role model for your "patend" cousin, Gavin!

Anonymous said...

I'll solve the answer. She takes after me! Ha Ha. Congratulations, Morgan!---Maria says, "Way to go! and Congratulations!"

Anonymous said...

I think all of you are wrong. It's obvious that she takes after me. HA HA

Chrishelle said...

How about she gets it from ALL of us!

Anonymous said...

...but mostly from me. haha.

Anonymous said...

um, excuse me.. I am the oldest of all of you and I think that it has gone down the intelligence chain...THE END OF THIS CONVERSATION!!

Chrishelle said...

What are you? The ruler of all comments? This is MY blog, so that means I decide when the conversation is over! And since it's my blog, then she gets her intelligence from ME. So there!

Anonymous said...

I want to know how much the tooth fairy is bringing these days.

Sherry said...

I am sure more than what we got. My tooth fairy was pretty generous!

Anonymous said...

I think she got her brain power (and might I also say her beautiful blue eyes) from me!

Chrishelle said...

Kirk, I don't think you had anything to do with it!

Anonymous said...

Now thats funny!!!

Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.