Sunday, June 04, 2006

Bon Voyage, Pat!!

Kirk's friend Pat is a Major in the Marines and will be headed back to Iraq for a second tour. He's leaving on Wednesday to go to Camp Pendleton and from there, going to Iraq. Last night there was a send-off party at Cooter Browns for him and most of the gang was there to wish him well. Luckily, Mere (Kirk's mom) watched Morgan and they, along with Granny, went to eat dinner at Picadilly's then went back to Mere's house for a few games of Disney Scrabble. We had a great time visiting with Pat, his girlfriend Annemarie, Gary, Nicol, Yvette, Lee and a few others. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera with me, so the only pics I could find of him are from our wedding over a year ago. Good luck, Pat!! We'll miss you!!

Also last night, my friend and former co-worker Mary was in town with her new husband Tony and the WLAE gang got together at Ralph's on the Park for a celebratory dinner...she and Tony are expecting their first child together!! We were going to try to make both events, but were unable to do so. Congratulations, Mary and Tony!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey, this blog is "all about Morgan" not "all about Pat." Seriously, we all wish you well in Iraq and get back safe, Mooch! You're just lucky we didn't publish the photos of you scuba diving or dancing in the Bahamas. By the way, who is the drunk girl you are pushing over in the first photograph?

Anonymous said...

Did I mention Pat's nickname (besides Mooch) is Touchy Feely? Poor Nicol...

Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.

Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.