Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Camp Day 2 and Other News

It was my turn to bring Morgan into camp, so while she was there, I decided to spend my day at Elmwood's pool with Sherry and Gavin II. Only by the time I got there (at 9:30 a.m.), Gavin had already swum and was in the play area. They then went into Kidsports to go in the maze and I stayed by the kiddie "splash pool" waiting on them. Well they came back down and then left so Gavin could get some lunch and take a nap. Fortunately my sister-in-law Shelly showed up with her kids Brandon, McKenna and Bella and I hung out with them for awhile.

Bella relaxing by the pool

Sherry returned to the pool a few hours later while little Gavin went into childcare, so I finally got to hang out with her. Me & Sherry at the pool

I picked up Morgan from camp and we made it back home...exciting, huh? I did hear some good news while I was at the pool. Kirk's friend Pat, the one leaving for Iraq tomorrow, is now engaged to Annemarie! Congratulations, Pat and Anne!! We're very happy for both of you!!


Anonymous said...

I love you, Morgan Kennedy!

Sherry said...

I look like a ghost in your pic too!

Sherry said...

I am SORRY I had to leave! I wanted to hang out but you know what happens when you have kids. SORRY :(

Chrishelle said...

It's no big deal. I really went to hang out with little Gavin! Maybe next time.

Anonymous said...

What a hard life you 2 lead!!!

Sherry said...

I'm telling you! It's a great life!