Monday, June 05, 2006

Camp Jaguar Starts

Morgan started camp at St. Francis Xavier today. She's gone to this camp since she was about 3 and Aunt Barbara runs it so I know she's always well taken care of. Besides that, she absolutely loves it! You're probably wondering why she's at camp when I am not even working right now. Well, I registered her when I was working and now that I'm not, I gave her the option. Guess what she got it, she'd rather go to camp then hang out with mom for a week. So Kirk and I are going to take turns driving her in for this week and since today was Kirk's turn, I rode my bike at the Tammany Trace. It's this really cool trail that extends from Covington to Slidell and we ride our bikes on it often. Morgan can actually ride close to 11 miles on the Trace, but of course we have to stop either at the Abita Brew Pub or Kickstand Cafe for a bite to eat in the middle and for her to rest her legs. Morgan has her last dancing class tonight until rehersal on Thursday and the recital on Sunday. Then after the recital, she leaves for North Carolina for 2 whole months! I'm going to be so bored!


Anonymous said...

Leave it to Morgan to stop for food even while exercising. I can't wait to see you on Friday, Morgan! I love you!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know you were coming to the dance recital, Mallory! Cool! Chrishelle, is there anytime we should be there by on Saturday? Just let us know what you're plans are! Thanks. Morgan, your dad and I can't wait to see you! Love ya, M & J

Anonymous said...

You're going to be bored, Chrishelle? I'm not exciting enough for ya? Also, we will be busy (not bored) on vacation and of course in July with (your son too) Julian and don't forget Poydras (woof!). We will work really hard to keep you from the dreaded life of boredom...and by that time, you will have a enjoy your time off you lucky dog!!!

Anonymous said...

Blah, Blah, Blah!!!

Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.

Anonymous said...

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