Sunday, June 11, 2006

Dance Recital 2006

We had Morgan's dance recital today. This was her 6th year dancing and her last year at Dance Company Ltd. Since we've moved, I'll have to find a new school on the northshore for her to attend. She did an excellent job as usual and looked absolutely beautiful in all of her costumes and dance numbers. Her tap dance was to "Boogie Shoes" and yesterday I heard her singing the song at home. Of course Morgan had her own version of the went something like this: "I want to put on my, my, my, my, my boogie shoes and Scooby Doo!" I cracked up when I heard her singing that! I had to tell her that it doesn't say Scooby Doo, but instead "and boogie with you." But now we all are singing "Scooby Doo" instead of the right words and getting a huge laugh out of it!!

We had our post-recital lunch/dinner at PF Chang's(Morgan's choice because of the Great Wall of Chocolate dessert she gobbled up at the end of the meal) and then Morgan got in the car with her dad Jack and Maria and left for North Carolina. They're staying overnight somewhere in Alabama before heading the rest of the way to Charlotte. It's very quiet around here right now. I miss her a lot and won't get to see her for 2 months. Needless to say, my blog won't be all about Morgan until then but you can check out her summer on Jack & Maria's blog. I'll be posting every once in a while on here for the next month and then a lot more when Julian gets in town in July. Gosh, it's quiet right now!


Anonymous said...

you were beautiful today, morgan! i love you very much and i can't wait to see you in north carolina.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys! We are back in Charlotte and she is already consumed by her friends here. Ansley and Cody (my sister's children) and Aidan and Phoenix, our neighbors. Just thought you might want to know how she is doing. I will post on our blog tonight. Take care, Maria

steele family said...

Chrishelle, what happened with that job offer? Are you going to take it?

Sherry said...

You'll be ok, honey!! Morgan will have a blast this summer and will be back before you know it!! Enjoy some mommy time. You need it! I love you!

Anonymous said...

Morgank, you were absolutely beautiful and Grampy and I enjoyed watching you!! We will see you in NC..can't wait

Anonymous said...

Brady can come to the dance school anytime!