Thursday, June 01, 2006

Like Mother, Like Daughter

Kirk pointed out to me last night that the pic I posted yesterday of Morgan at the pool looked just like a picture of me in Cozumel last year. I think Morgan looks much cuter though, but we do always seem to do the same poses.


Anonymous said...

You're right...she is much cuter.

Anonymous said...

You're right...she is much cuter.

Sherry said...

Too cute!! You're cute, too, Cici!

Anonymous said...

I think that you are both cute!!!

Chrishelle said...

Of course we are!

Bridget said...

I think you two look identical! It really is amazing!

sorry for busting in... I'm a friend of Sherry's. Think we met a LONG time ago...

Chrishelle said...

Don't worry about it...I look at your blog, too! Libby is adorable!

Sherry said...

Ya'll are funny - everybody reads everybody's blogs!!

Anonymous said...

I think all of you need to get a life. Just joking...I'm on here now, aren't I? I'm lucky to have such hotties as a wife and daughter. I do not look forward to 2015 when the doorbell rings with Morgan's many gentleman (yeah, right) callers.

Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.