Thursday, June 15, 2006

Poydras Goes to the Vet

Poydras had to go to the vet today to get his shots updated. Also while we were there Dr. DeVun clipped his nails while I had to help hold him down. I ended up with three big scratches down my arm because he got nervous and jumped up. Poor thing...shots and clipped nails :( He weighs 54.8 lbs and is in very good shape. He also got lots of compliments for being such a well-behaved, mild-mannered dog. And he got a few treats from the vet, too!! One of them he actually held in his teeth and spit out right on the table. It was pretty funny! We have to board him for a week because we are leaving on Saturday for Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. We'll miss him but I know we'll enjoy our vacation!


Anonymous said...

Don't forget that Aunt Mallory was there! You did great, Poydras! Love you lots. You're the cutest puppy there to Hattie, of course (and Brady, too).

Anonymous said...

You better add the Hattie thing!! Grammy would have loved to dog/house sit! Poydras loves to stay with his Grammy!!
good boy Poydras...I miss you and I know that Grampy does too!!! Aunt Hattie is staying with that mean Grampy until I get back down there on Sunday. I hope she survives!!

Anonymous said...

Poydras...I am scared to get shots when I go to the vet and my mommy keeps talking about getting some chip in me that they scan in case I ever get lost.Im scared of that. Did u get that?? have a pretty coat on you. Wanna play sometime?? Your mommy should have a blog like my mommy thats called "all about poydras". I love you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Poydras, and have fun in your new home next week! I bet you and Lady would have fun together!

Anonymous said...

Morgan, I miss you! I like when you give me treats and we go by the swingset together. I hope you're having fun. I love you lots!!

Brady, the shots didn't hurt so bad, but the nail clipping did. I don't have that chip thing you were talking about. And my Daddy keeps saying he is going to have my hair shaved just like he did when we were in Georgia.

Sherry said...

He's so cute! You are such a good wife taking that big ole dog to the vet. I am not that brave and Fudge does not sit still. I would've had a lot more than 3 scratches.

Have fun on your vaca. I am going to miss you. Remember, no weird illnesses ok...Who am I going talk to???

Maria and Jack said...

DON'T drink the water! Don't eat ANYTHING that has not been boiled in water! Like lettuce or cold vegetables. We got Montezuma's Revenge from there for two weeks!

Sherry said...

Scott got that in Cancun - he spent the whole trip in the bathroom. I don't even think he drank the water so be careful! Is it that same type of water situation in the Dominican Republic? I am not sure!!

Chrishelle said...

We're not too worried about it. We went to a resort run by the same company in Cozumel and know they are very careful with their water and food supply.

Anonymous said...

A good dose of Bactrim prevents that as long if you don't get drunk.You are just too cute Poydras.