Friday, June 02, 2006

Promoted to 3rd Grade!

Last Day of 2nd Grade!!
The Big 3rd Grader!!
Morgan had her last day of school today...actually it was Mass, she got her report card and got out at 10:00. She got all A's and one B!! Now she's a big 3rd grader!! We were supposed to go to lunch with Aunt Paula and Emily today but we would have had to wait until about 1 and if you know Morgan, you know she can't wait that long to eat. So instead we came home and went to the pool again. We ate dinner at Macaroni Grill (Morgan's choice) to celebrate her awesome year at school. Honestly, for everything she's been through this year, Morgan did a wonderful job at school. She actually went to three schools this year...she started at St. Dominic in Lakeview for a week, then after the hurricane, she went to St. Francis Xavier in Brunswick, GA for two months and then finished up the year at St. Francis Xavier in Metairie. We are very grateful to the people in Brunswick, especially my cousin Michael, who helped us find a place to stay for two months for free, the staff and students at St. Francis (GA), who took Morgan in at no cost and to the friends we made in St. Simon's Island and Brunswick, who took care of us. We couldn't have made it without any of them. If you are ever looking for a place to visit, go to St. Simon's's beautiful there and the people are extremely kind. It's also an hour from Savannah, GA and from Jacksonville, FL and only 3 hours from Orlando. We are also grateful to the staff and students at St. Francis (LA), who also took Morgan in and welcomed her. Thanks to Mrs. (Aunt) Barbara who held a spot for Morgan while we were still in Georgia and supplied us with some uniforms for Morgan to wear. She also helped Morgan with homework just about everyday after school...maybe that's why she did so well! I know Morgan will miss St. Francis next year and being spoiled by Aunt Barbara!


Anonymous said...

Nanny is soooo proud of you, Morgan! I love you!

steele family said...

congratulations morgan!

Sherry said...

Congratulations Morgan!! I am so proud of you! I also love that outfit - is it from Limited Too? Wasn't I with you when you bought that? It looks adorable on you - very fitting for a 3rd grader...

Sherry said...

She has such a great tan!

Anonymous said...

Morgan, I am SOOOO proud of you. What a TERRIFIC report card! You did a great job in Second Grade and I'm sure Third Grade will be just as wonderful.
St. Francis won't be the same next year without you. Everyone here, teachers, principal, friends, even the janitor, have said how much they are all going to miss that infectiously bubbley personality. No one will miss you quite as much as me though. I'm so glad we were able to spend the last seven months of your second grade together. Keep up the good work. I love you my girl.
Aunt Barbara

Chrishelle said...

Morgan says to tell everyone "Thanks!!" And yes, Sherry, the outfit is from Limited Too. And Aunt Barbara, Morgan says, "thank you so much and I will miss you lots!!"

Anonymous said...

Its hard to believe she is already in the third grade, next thing you know she will be talking to boys on her CELL PHONE.

Sherry said...

Funny anonymous!

Anonymous said...

Let's hope the boys and cell phone don't happen any time soon!!!!Congratulations Morgan. We are very proud of your year! You have come a long way!

Anonymous said...

Boy, she sure is a fast clothes changer. It is going to be handy when she wins "America's 27th Next Top Model" in 2014.

Anonymous said...

haha kirk, when did u become somewhat funny?

Anonymous said...

We are so very proud of you and can't wait until you come here to stay with us in NC!! Love you

Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.