Thursday, June 08, 2006

Recital Rehearsal

Today was rehearsal for the dance recital, which will be held on Sunday at Loyola University. It's kind of hard to get action shots, so this was the best I could do...she's the one in pink with her hand in the air. The second picture is of Morgan and her friends Monica and Amanda.


Anonymous said...

Almost as good as your Nanny. You look beautiful!

Sherry said...

She is a beauiful child, Chrishelle. You should be so proud! She looks so sassy in that pic of her on the stage!

Chrishelle said...

What do you mean "looks" sassy?? Morgan IS sassy!!

Anonymous said...

I have a special message for Morgan. Morgan, I have been working with Noah on his baseball skills/mechanics and he wanted me to tell you, he said "Hi!"
Too cute!!!

Sherry said... cute...Morgan has a boyfriend. At least Noah is adorable! You picked a good one...

Chrishelle said...

She's too young for a boyfriend! Not until she's 30!

Anonymous said...

No, 40!