Tuesday, June 06, 2006

St. Dominic Returns to Lakeview!!

In yesterday's Living section of The Times-Picayune, they published an article on the return of St. Dominic School to Lakeview. Morgan went to school there for one year, one week and 2 days and we absolutely LOVED that school. Just like the rest of Lakeview, St. Dominic School and Church took on over 8 ft. of water and they temporarily moved the school to the campus of Holy Rosary School for the remainder of the year. Since we moved, we didn't put Morgan back in SDS because it was farther away and we were already driving far enough. We were so happy to read that during the last weeks of school, the students helped teachers, parents, etc. move books and supplies from Holy Rosary back to the campus of St. Dominic. Although we're not there anymore, we wish everyone at SDS the best of luck and we'll always feel like a part of their family!!! Congratulations, Dragons!!!

(Above are pictures of the damage at St. Dominic School taken on October 1, 2005)

Read the story


Sherry said...

So sad - that's what MCA looked like too...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the story. it is horrible that so much of NO is coming back so slowly and so many folks are still moving out instead of moving in. I know all of the docs that I worked with have moved out or are in the process. I also heard that it is very difficult to sell houses right now due to the fact that no one moving in during the storm season. I am sure glad that we sold ours! I do miss all of you all very much though!!!

Chrishelle said...

Yeah, now that school is out for the summer, a lot of people are moving out of the city, especially since it is hurricane season again and the levees aren't being fully repaired yet. Most people are just waiting to see what happens this season and then decide if they'll move back or rebuild. You should read Chris Rose's columns on Nola.com...he pretty much sums up what people are thinking and going through here.

Anonymous said...

That is what I am hearing. People that do not live there assume that things are so much better and they are only to some degree. I hear that everywhere I travel. Vistors seems to only go in certain touristy areas, but you really need to be living there to truly understand what the people of NO are still going through. You have certainly gone through a lot.
Can't wait to see you this weekend!! Love you