Monday, August 14, 2006

1st Day of School!

Morgan started 3rd grade today!! I cannot believe she's a 3rd grader already! She started a new school and was so excited about going, especially since she got to ride the bus this morning. It picks her up right in front of our house, so she just has to walk out the door and across the street and she's on her way! She met a lot of new people and one girl in her class is also named Morgan and she lives in our subdivision, too. I guess Morgans stick together because she said they played together at recess. She also auditioned for the school choir during music class...she's already a joiner!


Anonymous said...

you look sooooo cute!!! i hope you enjoed your first day at your new school! i love you soooo much!

Anonymous said...

You are so big, I can't believe you are old enough to be in 3rd grade. Good luck on a great year!

Sherry said...

Morgan, you look so sweet!! 3rd grade - my, my you are growing up! Have a good first week - and year!

Anonymous said...

You are too big!! I miss you loads and can't wait to see you this weekend. Have a great 2nd week at school.