Monday, August 07, 2006

Happy Birthday Hattie!!

Today is Hattie's 10th Birthday, which makes her 70 in dog years! Hattie is my parents' Scottie dog and they got her when I was a freshman in college. Poor dog...they actually bought her a pink polo to wear! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HATTIE!!!!!


Anonymous said...

and she looks spectacular in it! she's so cute!

Sherry said...

Happy Birthday, Hattie! You are so cute in your little polo....Maybe we should hook you up with Webster. He's 13 - 91 in dog years!

Anonymous said...

Can't you see the embarrassment in that poor dog's face? Why don't you just put her on Project Runway and get a fashion designer to make her a leather jacket and cowboy hat?

Anonymous said...

we're considering it, although she's a more high fashion kind of dog

Chrishelle said...

That sounded more like a comment from Kirk rather than one from Julian.

Anonymous said...

ya, i figured it was

Anonymous said...

Well, wait til you see the adorable winter coat that we bought her! It is pink with black leather trip. She is the best dressed dog in the Weaverville society.

Anonymous said...

She has gained a few pounds while the grandkids were here because they gave her a treat everytime they took her out.

Anonymous said...

what is a black leather trip?

Anonymous said...

She is probably the ONLY dressed dog in the Weaverville Society! HA!

Anonymous said...

No, there is much competition here. oops, I meant trim..thanks! She is the favorite at the kennel/groomer and she doesn't have to stay in her room all the time. She stays at the desk and greets everyone!