Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Having Fun with Cousins

Morgan has been staying with Grammy, Grampy and Nanny in Asheville for the past few weeks. While she has been there, my brother Gene, his wife Saya and their kids Jarod and Hana were also visiting my parents, so Morgan got to spend some time with them. They had lots of fun going fishing since Grammy & Grampy bought all the kids fishing poles.

They also got to celebrate Grampy's 63rd Birthday and ate yummy chocolate cake...I'm upset I missed out on that!

And then they went to Tweetsie Railroad in North Carolina and then drove down to Pigeon Forge, TN. While they were there, they got to go to Dollywood for a few days. That's lots of excitement for one week!!


Sherry said...

Morgan looks adorable! She has had quite a packed summer! She has traveled more than I have. I love the new do. Too cute! Her cousins are cuties, too. That cake does look mighy good - gimme sum a dat cake :)

Anonymous said...

I am so behind on comments! It has been a very full summer for Morgan and us. We have really enjoyed having all of the kids and Gene and Saya. It has been hectic at times, but very rewarding. We are all already crying just thinking about her leaving tomorrow. I love the one pic that I have been in!! ugh. I was the only one that took the pics and would touch the worms. Grampy is chicken!!