Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Mom & Dad's 30th Anniversary Party

Our Family

Hana & Morgan The Fabulous Fox Family

I know I've been slacking on this post but work has been slightly busy. This past Saturday Mallory, my brother Gene and I threw a 30th Anniversary Party for my parents at the St. Francis Xavier Parish Center. It was a lot of work, but well worth it. My parents loved the party and we had a really good turnout of family members and their friends. Special thanks go out to everyone who helped make this party possible by running errands and bringing food, and especially to Mrs. Barbara, Mr. Tim and Meredith Fox who all went above and beyond. They helped us secure the room, set-up, decorate, find the song my parents danced to at their wedding, clean up and even brought delicious gumbo. Meredith, you should definitely go into party have a knack for it!


Anonymous said...

there's that fabulous cake that i made...

Chrishelle said...

Yeah, right! So where'd ya learn to make cakes like that??

Anonymous said...

The cake was beautiful and everything was just perfect. Thanks to the Foxes, Langstons and all that contributed and attended. You all did a great job and worked so hard. I know that it was a lot of work putting it together. We have wonderful children and grandchildren. Our inlaws were there as well and had a fabulous time. Love to all

Sherry said...

We enjoyed helping! Great party! Cake lady cake was YUMMY!

Sherry said...

Mallory - can you teach me how to make a cake like that? Man, you are so talented!!

Chrishelle said...

Sherry, if Mallory made the cake, then why is she sending you a check for it??

Anonymous said...

yes, i know i am talented...and chrishelle, the check isn't any good. i just don't want to get too popular and be in too much demand.

Sherry said...

Oh I see...