Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Morgan's Home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After 2 long months, Morgan is finally back at home!! My dad drove her in today and after lots of hugs and kisses, we all celebrated her homecoming by going out to eat at the Abita Brew Pub. I was amazed at how tall she has gotten since I last saw her! She looks so much older, too! I'm just glad that she's finally home!!!!


Anonymous said...

i know she's happy to be back with you. we had fun with her this summer and miss her already!

Sherry said...

Welcome home Morgan!

Anonymous said...

Morgan, We are glad you are back home safe! We miss you!

Anonymous said...

We wish you were here, but know that you need to be back with mommy. Had a great time while you were here! Love you

Anonymous said...

Glad you are back Morgan. I feel like you have been gone for a year. Me and Brady miss you. Brady wants you to come swimming with him. We love you.

Sherry said...

I know you guys are busy kissing and hugging and stuff but, come on - updates! Updates!!

steele family said...

Welcome home Morgan, hope you had a great summer!