Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The Rings

The Rings

Dad & Mom
Dad & my brother Gene
The Norton Girls

The highlight of the night at the 30th Anniversary Party was when my parents exchanged gifts. My Dad(as my sister and I knew) had bought my Mom an eternity ring and my Mom (again, as Mallory and I knew) had bought my Dad a wedding ring. Now my Dad has NEVER worn a wedding ring because it would have gotten ruined in his business, so my mom was finally going to buy him one now that he's "semi-retired." Well the big surprise came when my Dad gave my Mom the little box that revealed a gold wedding band. I was dumbfounded and so was Mallory, since we both knew he was buying her a ring w/ diamonds on it. He said he had finally gotten a present my Mom had always wanted...a wedding ring for himself!! He actually bought himself a wedding ring! Well, that kind of spoiled the gift my Mom had bought for him! He then gave her the ring with the diamonds, which she loved! But all 3 of the rings were beautiful and my Dad ended up keeping the one he had bought for himself since it fit better. We just couldn't believe my Dad had kept that secret from us and actually thought of doing something so clever!


Anonymous said...

That was the highlight and I was completely surprised! My ring is gorgeous and I am still trying to get use to seeing Gene with a ring on after all of these years!

Sherry said...

Great party - great gift exchange. It doesn't get any better than that - especially since your dad had kept it a secret! That's awesome. Both rings are beautiful. Although, I am a little more partial to the one with the diamonds :)

steele family said...

I like the diamonds too, Happy Anniversary! What a sweet thing for you and your brother and sister to do!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary Gene and Judy!