Sunday, September 17, 2006

Fall Softball Begins!

Playing 2nd Base During First Game

Looking Cute as the Catcher

Is that Morgan in There?

As I mentioned in a previous post, Morgan is on a softball team at Pelican Park. Last Tuesday was her first game but they only got to play one inning before the skies opened up and the downpour came. She didn't get to bat that game because they put her 4th (cleanup) and the first 3 batters had struck out. She played 2nd base and got the only out for her team that game...she stopped a ground ball and threw to 1st base. Yeah, Morgan!! Her 2nd game was on Friday and Morgan got to play center field, 2nd base and even catcher! She doesn't like catcher but she looked so cute in the gear! Also, we found out that now the games have started, she also has practice on Thursdays, so that means softball on Tuesday, Thursday and much for a free day!


Anonymous said...

she is so talented! i hope to see one of her games soon!

Anonymous said...

Morgan, you are looking really cute out there! Let us know how your games go!

Sherry said...

Congrats, Morgan - you look cute!!!! Love all that gear you have to wear to be catcher!

steele family said...

sounds like you have an all-star on your hands!

Anonymous said...

Morgan, you look great!! I always played catcher. Well,you don't seem to have any outside instructers for this sport!

Anonymous said...

Since you played catcher, it sounds like you might be best for this job! Ha Ha. Hey, did anyone ever recieve a package or some pictures or is the mail still running slow?