Saturday, September 09, 2006

First Set of Golf Clubs

I know I haven't posted in a long time, but with mine and Kirk's work schedule and Morgan's school andextra-curriculars, there's no time for anything else anymore. Yes, you all are going to want to report us to 60 Minutes or Dateline, but Morgan now has dancing on Mondays, softball on Tuesdays and Fridays, tennis on Wednesdays and choir during school on Tuesdays. That leaves only Thursday as a free day. She also wants to add gymnastics to the mix but we told her no! We'll see how all this goes for now, but she wants to do all of these me, I'd be happy with her not doing any of them. We went to Academy Sports today to buy a few things that Morgan needed for softball...cleats, batting glove, bag, black shorts, practice balls, etc., etc. Somehow we ended up stopping in the golf section where Kirk proceeded to buy Morgan a set of junior golf clubs and a glove. We're all going to the driving range tomorrow morning to practice (yeah, I'm not very good). These are pictures of them in the backyard hitting Birdie Balls, which Poydras would retrieve for them. So we might have the next Michelle Wie? Or maybe she's the next Maria Sharapova? Or maybe that softball girl whose name I don't remember?


Anonymous said...

she looks cute with her little golf clubs

Sherry said...

That's so cool...she's a very well-adjusted little girl. I am proud of her for being so involved with sports. She's just beautiful. The boys are certainly going to be after her...soon!

steele family said...

wow, you guys are certainly busy! That is cool that Morgan loves to be so active. Hope it all goes smoothly for you this semester.

Anonymous said...

Stance needs to be a little wider. Toe of front foot has to be turned slightly outward(forward) about 1-1.5 inches. This allows for the hips to be opened and rotated all the way through the target/swing. You can see in the picture her power is not being maximized b/c her hips are not allowed to rotate through b/c her foot is pointed straight. This small procedure will also correct her follow through. Upper body is fine but when the hips are rotated correctly her momentum should cause her to go onto her back toe forming a backwards "L" shape with her back leg.
Shot an 84 on Saturday due to eratic putting. If you have any tips on that we can call it even.


Anonymous said...

what in the world??? get a life (not morgan, i meant the anonymous person)

Chrishelle said...

She got a lesson from a golf pro on Sunday at the driving range. She was actually hitting the ball very well in the backyard that day even though "anonymous" doesn't think her stance is right. The pro helped her with that.

Anonymous said...

I think anonymous thinks he's is a golf pro! Just remember what we taught you this summer Morgan and you will be fine. Love ya and call us so we know you recieved your package!

Anonymous said...

Morgan has way too many instucters!! Morgan, just enjoy and do your best. You are one active little girl.

love you!

Anonymous said...

Only because we happen to have a golf pro in the family, but you are right- she should just have one. Maybe she will get a famous pro to teach her now. How cool.