Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Well, I'm starting a new job! A few weeks ago on one of our TV shows, the new President of the Fore!Kids Foundation was a guest. Well this past Friday night, he called to tell me he had a position open on his staff and wanted to meet with me to see if I would be interested in it. I met with him yesterday morning and then he had me meet with one of the board members and last night he called to offer me the job, which I have now accepted. As of October 3rd(my start date), I'll be the Director of Sponsor and Player Relations of the Fore!Kids Foundation. It is a non-profit organization committed to raising funds for children's charities. The main fundraiser of Fore!Kids is the Zurich Classic of New Orleans, which is a PGA Tour event. In my new job, I'll be responsible for dealing with not only the people from Zurich Financial, the title sponsor, but also the PGA players who have committed to playing in the tournament. I'll also be helping to plan the Zurich Classic and other fundraisers throughout the year. It sounds like an exciting job and a really good opportunity and I'm looking forward to starting!! I'll miss WLAE and my TV job, but hopefully I'm on to bigger and better things!


Anonymous said...

congrats and i'm sure u'll do great with your new job!

Bridget said...

Congrats! That sounds like an awesome job! Hope you love it!

Sherry said...

Congratulations! I am soooooo happy for you! Everything happens for a reason. I am positive that you will love this job - sounds like it's right up your alley!

Anonymous said...

That does sound really awesome! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Dad and I are ver proud of you. Congrats!! I know that you will love it. Now, maybe can find a real golfer will a real name to instruct Morgan!!

steele family said...

wow, sounds like a great job, congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your new job opportunity. I am sure you will do a great job! Don't forget to have Morgan watch her Daddy on TV this saturday night