Sunday, November 05, 2006

Mt. Carmel Academy Fall Fest

Kirk, Morgan, my mom and I went to the MCA Fair today and had lots of fun. Morgan loved playing all the games and Kirk enjoyed the putting booth. Here's a picture of Mo after she won at the Country Store Booth. There were lots of good things in the bag, including red beans and rice, spaghetti and sauce, jelly, cake mix and more. Kirk actually won at the putting booth. He got 3 putts in a row and won a 12-pack of Titleist Pro-V Ones, a bottle of Glenlivet Scotch Whiskey and two hats. He was really excited!


Anonymous said...

Morgan, you take after me. I used to be a big winner at the Country Store booth =)

Chrishelle said...

I know, we talked about that!

Anonymous said...

Nanny Jr. winning those groceries.
We had a great weekend with Morgan.

Anonymous said...

Wish I could've been there

steele family said...

sounds like fun, congrats morgan and kirk!

Sherry said...

Congrats! It's pretty funny that Morgan won food!! We know how much she loves food!

Maria and Jack said...

Way to go Morgan! You look really cute in the picture. It sounds like Kirk got a lot of cool stuff, as well.