Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Eve

Despite the rain outside, we had a very nice Christmas Eve. We went to 4:00 Mass at Our Lady of the Lake Church then had dinner at Rockafeller's. It's a seafood and steak restaurant on the Northshore where we had never been, plus there was no wait at that time, so that was even better. When we got home, we each got to open a present from under the tree. Morgan opened one from her dad (some clothes) and one from Kirk and I (Shark Boy and Lava Girl DVD). The DVD came with 3D glasses, so that is what we are wearing in the picture above. I opened up a present Morgan had bought me with her own was a green robe and it's very soft. I also got to open one from Kirk and it was a Tiffany's ring to match my necklace and bracelet. I love it! Kirk opened one from Morgan and Julian...a Banana Republic gift card. We all watched a Christmas special together on Christmas in New Orleans and then it was time to go to bed and wait for Santa to arrive!


Anonymous said...

u both look very stylish in those glasses, especially u, chrishelle. haha. i like that red shirt, by the way.

Sherry said...

Ya'll all look so nice and festive! Your tree is gorgeous! I love it!

I wanna see the ring!

Anonymous said...

Great pic with her dad and mom too!