Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Morning Part 2

Poydras is excited it's Christmas!
My New Jacket
Morgan's Heely's
The Jacket and Shirt from cousins Ansley and Cody
Morgan then proceeded to open presents from under the tree. She got a putting machine, birdie balls and CD Walkman from us, some clothes and a journal from her dad and a Limited Too gift card and Heely's from Grammy and Grampy. She loved those, but let's just hope she doesn't break any bones! Morgan also got the PJ's she's wearing, along with a robe and some socks from Granny and Grandpa Thomson and she got some beautiful earrings from Uncle Jeremy that she wore on Christmas Eve. Morgan wants to thank everyone for all of her great gifts! I got some great stuff, too! A new jacket, a golf bag and set of irons and a pajama set. I'm so excited!! Thanks Kirk and Morgan for such a great Christmas! We gave Kirk a new ski jacket and gloves, ski socks and a shirt. He also got an I-Tunes gift card from Santa!


Sherry said...

Ya'll wracked up! That's awesome. Looks like you are ready for skiing! Morgan is adorable - I see that Santa broke down and got her the Heely's. I knew he would come through!

Chrishelle said...

No, Grammy and Grampy bought the Heely's. Santa broke down and got her the phone. Thanks, Santa; it was just what we needed...not!

Anonymous said...

Morgan, It looks like you had a Merry Christmas! We are glad you liked your presents from us. We miss you.

Anonymous said...

Morgan is almost as tall as the tree. She did quite well
and glad she got the phone. Please do not break any bones girl!!

Love and miss you!