Sunday, December 31, 2006

Fireworks on New Year's Eve

Time to Light the Fireworks

Shooting off a Roman Candle

Sparkler Time

Kirk bought fireworks for the 1st time ever and I have to admit, I've never bought fireworks in my life either. In fact, I've never shot off fireworks; I've only done the sparklers as a child. I'm not big on the popping noises and I'm afraid the house is going to catch on fire. So when Kirk said he was buying fireworks, I was a little concerned. We went outside and he and Julian shot a few off and then that was enough for me...I went inside and baked some cookies.

Morgan just being herself!


Anonymous said...

haha i love that last picture of morgan!

Sherry said...

Great pictures! That could have been one of your best posts ever. You are so funny! I guess I can hear you talking when I read your post!

steele family said...

Happy New Year! I would have been inside with the cookies too.