Monday, December 11, 2006


It's been 9 years since Morgan Kennedy came into the world 5 weeks early and weighing only 5 lbs. 6 oz. She certainly has caught up with that over the years!! She's about as tall as a 12-year-old, too! Morgan keeps me busy and my life very entertaining at times...she truly loves to show off. I just still can't believe 9 years have gone by and I couldn't have asked for anyone better. Have a great day, Morgan! I love you!

I'm sorry if these pictures are a little fuzzy...they survived Katrina and I had to scan and crop out the yucky stuff that had gotten on them. Isn't she cute though? Look how small Morgan was in the two baby pictures. Those were taken a few days after she was born. The other was when she was a few months old.


Sherry said...

Happy birthday, Morgan!!! I cannot believe that you are 9 already. You have grown up so fast into such a beautiful young lady.
Thank you for my birthday message last night. You're so sweet!

By the way, where is my post for my birthday? You have Happy Birthday, Mallory and then Morgan. I'm in between! I feel cheated!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Morgan!!! We can not believe that you are 9!! What a great 9 years it has been. We will see you this weekend. Love and miss you!!

Happy Birthday to you too Sherry!

steele family said...

Happy birthday Morgan! I hope this year is a great one for you!!