Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Snowboarding Day 2

Going Down the Mountain (notice the snow on the back of my pants from falling)
Kirk Looking Like a Pro

Tuesday was our last day to hit the slopes and since we still had the snowboards, that's what we were going to do. After a few quick warm-up runs on the small Sweet Pea slope, we took the lift up to the green trail again. My first run down included many falls, but I was finally starting to get the hang of it. By the end of the day and 6 runs later, I was almost a pro...yeah, right! But I was down to two or three falls instead of one every few feet. If we had one more day, I'm sure I'd being able to go down without falling. They say it takes a good 3 days to get good at snowboarding. I wanted to see if they were right. I can say that if you are going to try snowboarding, make sure to wear LOTS of padding and get a helmet. Oh, and expect to be VERY sore and have lots of bruises.
Almost at the bottom of the slope

But instead landed on my bottom

Snowboarding Day 1

We decided to turn in our skis and poles for snowboards. Yes, we're crazy but we wanted to learn. It looks much easier than skiing, but once you strap that board on, it's pretty difficult. We went to snowboard school on Monday and learned how to skate on the board and then how to use our heel and toe edges to help us control our speed and move the board along. All was fine on the little Sweet Pea slope, even though there were many falls and landing in the snow. But at the end of the day we moved over to the green trail, and let's just say, I didn't quite make it down as easily as I thought I would. Kirk actually did much better than I did...he made it all the way down the trail. After that day, I wasn't sure if I'd be able to or wanted to continue with boarding, but many people told us you had to give it at least 2 or 3 days.

2nd Anniversary

Sunday was also our 2nd Anniversary, so after wearing ourselves out skiing all day, we went to dinner in Park City at Zoom. It's Robert Redford's restaurant located on Main St. and we had eaten there 3 years ago before we got engaged. The food is yummy and we really enjoyed it.

Some of you may remember that Kirk lost his wedding ring while SCUBA diving on our trip in Punta Cana. Well he surprised me by buying himself the same ring I had given him on our wedding day. He got it sized a little tighter so maybe this time it won't fall off...we'll see.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Skiing Day 2

After Saturday night's blizzard, we woke up to a beautiful clear day. It was still pretty cold, but at least it wasn't extremely windy. This is a view from our balcony overlooking the mountain and the plaza.
After a quick run on a green slope to get warmed up, we tackled a was the very one where 3 years ago on my 2nd day ever of skiing, I took my skis off, threw them down a steep slope and walked down. Well, I'm proud to say that this year I made it down that slope without falling! This is me getting ready to head down the dreaded slope. Do I look nervous? After we made it down Snowdancer and then Kokopelli again, we took a break and mapped out a long run, where we were going to hit four different blue trails and 3 lifts. I was exhausted by the end of it, but I can now say I've done 4 blue slopes in a row.
This picture to the left is at the top of a steep slope on the Harmony trail. It was the 3rd of the four that we did in a row and had a great view. But it was also the longest trail we did. If you look at the bottom of the slope, you can see a house. This trail actually went through a "neighborhood."

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Park City, Utah...Skiing Day 1

Getting Ready to Brave the Cold
Taking a Break for a Picture
The Evening Blizzard from our balcony

Kirk surprised me with a trip to Park City, UT for our anniversary. Three years ago we got engaged in Park City, and since I've been talking about wanting to go skiing again, he thought it would be a good idea to come back here. We arrived yesterday around 1:30 and just hung around the square in the Canyons since our room wasn't ready. It was FREEZING outside when we got here(a big 19 degrees) and flurrying. Today we got up, went to breakfast, bought our lift tickets and went to pick up our ski rentals. Then we took the gondola up the mountain to start our day of skiing. It was even colder up there! The high was about 2 degrees and again, snowing! The wind was also killing us, making it feel even colder. After getting my bearings on one beginner run, I finally felt comfortable skiing. It's been 3 years since I skied and that was when I learned how to do it. After another couple runs, I decided to brave a blue slope, and I have to admit, I did pretty well on it...well except for the very beginning where I kept falling down and losing my skis. But once I got past that part, I didn't fall again. I was pretty proud of myself, so tomorrow I'm going to tackle it again and maybe this time I won't fall at all. There's a HUGE blizzard going on outside right now. Tomorrow is our anniversary, so we're in for more skiing and then dinner in town at Zoom.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

LSU 41 - Notre Dame 14!!

G O T I GE R S !!

OK, I know I'm normally not an LSU fan, but I was able to get some Sugarbowl tickets for Kirk & I to go watch LSU beat Notre Dame. It was my anniversary present to him since Sunday will be our 2nd anniversary. We had excellent seats, other than the crazy Notre Dame fans behind us who kept yelling and clapping. We were in the club level on the 45-yard line...not too shabby! You would not believe how many LSU fans were in the Dome. We hardly saw any Notre Dame fans. We had lots of fun and were glad to be able to go. Kirk as never been to the Sugarbowl before, so he was glad his 1st one was when LSU was playing!

Start of 4th Quarter

Having Fun at the Game (yes, I'm wearing an LSU hat, so be quiet)

LSU's Cheerleaders (the girl on the right end is Morgan's old coach at St. Dominic...Go Jamie!)