Monday, March 19, 2007

It's Poison Oak

Last Night in Good Spirits
This Morning Before Going to the ER...Much Worse

For some reason, Kirk wanted to post these pictures, so I apologize if they gross anyone out. After going to the ER this morning at 5:30, Kirk found out he had a very severe case of Poison Oak. It was so bad that his throat was actually swelling. He got an IV of steroids and is now on a regular dose of it. He's doing MUCH better and his face isn't so swollen anymore. He can also see out of both eyes again. Thanks for all the phone calls and get well wishes!


Anonymous said...

awww poor kirk! i hope you're feeling better and let me know if you need anything. take it easy for a few days!

Sherry said...

My GOD! That is a really bad case. I think he may have to change his profession, though! I am so glad to hear that he is doing better. That is no fun!

Anonymous said...

Hope you're feeling better, Kirk! Looks awful...


steele family said...

i can't believe he asked you to post those! will would kill me, lol! hope he's feeling better.

Anonymous said...

ouch, ouch, ouch