Sunday, March 18, 2007


Endymion Parade
Kirk and Mo at Endymion
Morgan and Katie at Thoth

Morgan and Elise Working to make money...they made $40 in 2 days!!
Morgan speaking at her school performance
Waiting for Endymion to pass

I know it's been a long time since I last posted on here, so this will just be a recap in pictures. With only 4 weeks left until the Zurich Classic, my life has been pretty much revolving around work. We've been through Mardi Gras, a school performance, another conference in Arizona, St.Patrick's Parade and now Kirk has either poison ivy or poison oak. It's pretty gross looking so beware of the picture!

Kirk and his poison ivy or poison oak


steele family said...

Yikes! Will got poison oak once while on a run and it kept coming back until we threw away his tennis shoes! Hope you feel better soon Kirk! Good luck with the Zurich Classic, can't wait to hear how it goes.

Bridget said...

Poor guy! How does he feel about you posting this?
Good luck with work!

Chrishelle said...

He wanted me to post it. Who do you think took the pictures!?

Sherry said...

Those pictures of Morgan are really cute! She is just beautiful. Such a pretty young lady :)

Gimme somma dat money....

Bridget said...

sounds like my husband.. he's be thrilled to post it too, you should see what I talk him out of. lol. Glad he's feeling better! Looked like a rough case of it.