Monday, April 02, 2007

Happy Golden Birthday to Me!

Last Thursday was my 29th birthday, which meant it was my Golden Birthday!! I had a great day...other than having to go into work. Kirk sent me flowers and Sherry sent me a cookie bouquet, then I met Morgan and Kirk at Trey Yuen for dinner. When we got home, they had an ice cream cake for me (mint chocolate chip ice cream and chocolate cake...yummy)! I also got a new golf club from them and my parents and sister gave me a new watch. Not a bad Golden Birthday!!


Sherry said...

The cookie bouquet was the best, huh?!

I am so glad that you had a great "Golden Birthday", old lady :)

Sherry said...

Gimme summa dat cake!

steele family said...

Happy Birthday! That cake sounds yummy!!

Bridget said...

Happy Golden Birthday!