Monday, June 18, 2007

Dance Recital

Waiting in the Dressing Room for the Recital to Start
Morgan's Christmas Lyrical Dance
Morgan and her friend Ashley(she braved the recital w/ us) and Carolina(in the costume)
Morgan and Ms. Debra

It was that time again...time for the yearly dance recital! Since we live on the Northshore and Morgan goes to school on this side, we said goodbye to Dance Co. Ltd. and moved over to Golden Girl Dance Studio, which was very convenient. It's a VERY small dancing school with only 2 or 3 classes and I have to say this was the easiest recital I've ever been through. It lasted all of 45 minutes and was not hectic at all. Thanks to Ms. Debra for a great year and congrats to Morgan on her 7th year of dancing!!!


Anonymous said...

sorry i couldn't make it, morgan. i can't wait to watch the video w/ you, though! you looked beautiful =)!!! love you bunches!

Sherry said...

She does look beautiful! She is almost as tall as her teacher! Next year we'll have to make it to the review. We were out of town that weekend! I am sure that she did wonderfully!