Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Junior Tour Part 2

Morgan and Angelica finishing up at the 9th hole
Morgan had her 2nd Junior Tour tournament yesterday at Riverlands Country Club and she did really well again! She shot a 61 and was very pleased with her 4th place finish. She was only 2 shots off making 3rd place, so maybe next time! She played with Angelica, whose birthday, as we found out, is a day after Morgan's. Angelica and her 5 brothers and sisters have all been playing golf since they were four and there are 4 or 5 of them playing in the Junior Tour. She was very sweet and gave Morgan a few pointers and she even came in 1st for yesterday's tournament. We have the next one in two weeks, so I'm sure we'll be practicing in the meantime. I think we've played golf every weekend for about a month!


Anonymous said...

yay for morgan!!! i'm so proud of u!!! i want to see u play sometime, so let me know when your next tournament is.

Anonymous said...

We are so proud! Love and miss you.

Sherry said...

Great job, Morgan! You're a pro already!