Monday, July 23, 2007

The End

Well it took me about 14 hours to read, but it's now complete. I read all day yesterday and a few hours this evening to finish and now I'm so sad to have no more to read. I'm not going to spoil anything, but it was a really good book. I preordered Julian a copy, too, and he is now halfway finished. If you haven't read any of the books, I highly suggest it. The series is so addictive to read!


Sherry said...

Well, I am glad that it turned out to be good and not disappointing..there would have been a lot of upset people if it wouldn't have been good. That is a huge book. Is 14 hours to read it like freakishly fast??

Chrishelle said...

I'm not sure. All I know is my eyes were hurting and all blurry by the end of Sunday night. I could barely make out the words anymore!

Anonymous said...

that's because u were crying...

Chrishelle said...

No, I didn't cry until Monday night when I was close to finishing the book. You cried in the middle of the book.

Anonymous said...

i didn't cry at all, actually. i found some parts sad, but not enough to cry...

Anonymous said...

Could you read an actual piece of real literature than read that unmemorable fluff? Should you actually make it public that you read a book that 12 year old boys read? Yeah, yeah, it is just your hubby giving you a hard time (now be quiet while I read my Sports Illustrated).