Tuesday, July 10, 2007

A New 'Do

I took Morgan to get her hair cut and what started off being a little trim ended up being layers with long bangs. She started looking through magazines while we were waiting and found one of Jennifer Love Hewitt that she liked. So now it's to her shoulders, slightly layered, with long bangs.


Anonymous said...

it's scary how much she truly is a miniaturized version of u...and u need to update this more, especially since julian is in town and all

Chrishelle said...

Julian doesn't like to have his picture taken.

Anonymous said...

well i say he has to like it.

Sherry said...

I LOVE IT!!! She is so grown yup, it makes me want to cry! She is gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

She looks like you at 13!! She is growing so fast.

Chrishelle said...

Tell me about it! She's only 9 and is just about wearing the same size shoe as I do.

steele family said...

It looks great!