Thursday, October 18, 2007

Heart Ache

I know it's been a while since I blogged, but not much was going on. Now there's a lot going on and I'll have to do all the updates later. The biggest thing is that Morgan has started complaining of her heart hurting. It doesn't happen all the time, just every once in a while. We've been to the ER, the pediatrician and now today I am taking her to see a pediatric cardiologist. The ER doctor thinks it might be panic attacks, but the pediatrician wants us to get a more extensive exam from the cardiologist. I'll update everyone later on what he says. I just hope it's nothing too alarming.

So after seeing the cardiologist today, we found out that Morgan is experiencing "growing pains" so to speak. He said the pain she was feeling had nothing to do with her heart, so nothing to be worried about. I will say this was the first thing my mom said it might be when Morgan started complaining of this. I feel much better about this and I think it's eased Morgan knowing she doesn't have a heart problem. Also, Sherry visited us at the doctor since we were at Ochsner and she brought Morgan a HUGE Halloween bag filled with candy...thanks Aunt Sherry! It was just what we needed.


steele family said...

Yikes! How scary, we will be praying that you get some answers and that everything is okay.

Unknown said...

Glad to hear it's nothing.
I went through the same thing as a kid. It does hurt and is annoying but nothing really.

(don't steal anything on your first day at work! I'm off on Friday!)

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that it isn't anything serious and yes, I did say that it was growing pains, but glad that you had it checked out. No one likes to listen to their Mothers!