Saturday, November 17, 2007

Dog Whisperer Anyone?

Listening Intently to Cesar Milan, The Dog Whisperer, on the TV
Still Watching Cesar
Poydras and Morgan Posing for the Camera

Poydras is an outside dog but we've been letting him into the house to hang out with us a lot lately. It's mostly because he's been barking and howling and we're trying to quiet him down. He's become a little spoiled though and will hop up on the sofa next to us and just hang out. We've discovered that he likes watching The Dog Whisperer on the National Geographic Channel...ya know Cesar Milan (I think he's magical). Anytime he hears a dog barking he'll stop and look at the TV. Last night he was just laying on the sofa watching the was so cute so we had to get a picture of it. He has also started posing for the camera. Everytime he saw Kirk with the camera, he would stop, sit and look at him.


Anonymous said...

he's so cute!

Sherry said...

Interesting. You have to wonder!

Anonymous said...

update this blog, please

Anonymous said...

thats stuipid?

Anonymous said...

thats stuipid?

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.