Saturday, March 08, 2008

Cruising...on a Sunday Afternoon

The Main Lobby
One of the Towel Animals We Found in the Room Everynight
The Solarium
The Outside Pool Deck
The Orpheum Theatre
Having Fun in the Disco w/ My Mom and Her Co-workers

The final day we just cruised around, which I kind of didn't like much. My mom and her co-workers had business meetings all day, so I was pretty much by myself the whole time. The pool was pretty packed, too, and at times it was very cold and windy outside. All in all, I had lots of fun and have already let them know I'm ready for next year's trip!


Anonymous said...

The pics are great!!Send , me the rest! It was a great mom/daughter time and I can't wait until next year when Mal can go!!!'Love, mom

Anonymous said...

must be nice...

Anonymous said...

next year's trip???

steele family said...

you vacation more than anyone I know! Looks like a blast.

Anonymous said...

I told you that was a dog and not a rabbit!!