Saturday, March 22, 2008

St. Patrick's Day Parade 2008

Mal, Mom & Me
Me & Kirk
Dad & Mom
Kevin & Pat
Katie, John & McKenna
Kirk & Lee

Me & Sherry
Mo & Me
Mo & Gavin
Mal & Mo
We hosted our annual St. Paddy's Day Parade Party at Kirk's office this past Sunday. LOTS of people showed up (unlike last year), the weather was great and we had lots of fun. Can't wait till next year!


Sherry said...

Fun party! I know, I know...I'm glad that I made it this year, too - finally! We'll see ya'll next year!!!

Anonymous said...

Had a great time!!! The food was great too, especially the coleslaw and ham.

steele family said...

looks like fun, and happy birthday!

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Anonymous said...

time for an update!!!!