Sunday, March 23, 2008

Surprise 30th Birthday Party #1

On the way to "Pat's" Surprise Party
Right after everyone surprised me for MY surprise party
How old am I?
Me & Sher
Gary, Lisa, Rodney & Lee
Kelly, Pat, Scott & Becca
Sher, Kirk & Me
Mal & Me

Me trying to hula hoop
Me, Rodney & Mal having fun
Me on stage telling everyone who old I am
Dancing on Stage

So Kirk, Mal & Sherry decided to throw me a surprise 30th birthday party at Rock & Bowl. I thought I was going to a 40th surprise party for Kirk's friend Pat, which if you look at that first picture, you can tell how excited I was to be going (I slept in the car the whole way across the ya, Pat!). When I got there, I realized it was for me since everyone yelled "surprise" when I got to our bowling lane. It was a lot of fun...we bowled and then listened to the Top Cats play for a while. Thanks guys!!

1 comment:

Sherry said...

GOOD TIMES! Where's my hula hoop picture????