Saturday, March 29, 2008

Surprise 30th Birthday Party #2

Mallory (singer), Me (drummer) & Jason (guitar)
Me & Mo
Well, on my actual 30th birthday, little did I know that my family was planning me another surprise birthday party. Kirk took me out to eat at Trey Yuen (yummy) and Mallory was supposed to be babysitting Morgan. When we got home, I was treated to another round of people yelling "surprise" and saw that a lot of my family, friends and co-workers were in my kitchen. Mallory and Morgan had been setting up things, along with my mom and dad, while we were at dinner. For some reason though, I only have pictures of us playing Rock Band, which is what was going on for most of the night anyway. Another great party!!!


Anonymous said...

you can tell how much fun we were having by how idiotic we look

Chrishelle said...

More like how idiotic YOU look. I love how you're looking at the camera and your mouth is wide open!

Anonymous said...

um, ur not exactly the epitome of coolness in that one...

Chrishelle said...

I look hot. You look like you're about to eat the microphone.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see so many pics!! Who was in charge of the camera???

Sherry said...

Ya'll are such sisters! Ya'll both look goofy :) I think it's hilarious personally!