Friday, June 16, 2006

Punta Cana...Here we Come!

In less than 24 hours, Kirk and I will be heading to Punta Cana, which is on the southeastern tip of the Dominican Republic. On the top is the Atlantic and on the bottom is the Caribbean, so hopefully we'll have the clear blue Caribbean water. Judging by the pics we've seen of Punta Cana on Trip Advisor, we'll have the good water! Kirk and I are Padi certified in Open Water Diving, so we'll be going on a few dive trips while we're there. We dove in St. Lucia and in Cozumel and then Kirk has also been to Belize and the Bahamas, so I can't wait to see what underwater life they will have in the Dominican Republic. Other than that, it'll be all about relaxing on the beach and by the pool for a week. I know you're jealous!!! Please pray that no tropical depressions, storms, hurricanes, etc. affect our trip. Last year in Cozumel there was a Tropical Storm sitting right outside of us, but luckily we only had about a day of rain and then beautiful weather the rest of the trip. I don't think I could handle another hurricane in my life!


Anonymous said...

Well I'll be staying in a trailer all week. Beat that!

Sherry said...

Have a great trip! I am going to miss you. Send me a postcard that way I can have one from you and one from Morgan...

Don't worry about storms - God would not do that to you twice. Enjoy and relax. Hope your plane ride is "relaxing". Love you!

Sherry said...

Mal, sounds like great fun! Let me know how your vacation is!

steele family said...

Sounds great! Maybe one day I will be able to relax on a beach for a week with no kids to take care of.

Bridget said...

I AM jealous! I want to go!!! =)
Have fun!!!! Hope it's sunny and beautiful the whole trip!

Anonymous said...

Have a great time and do not worry..all will be fine! We will miss you and you deserve the trip!

Sherry said...

Ok, if you can send me an email from the dominican republic, you can update your blog! I want to see what you are doing. Sorry again for waking you up this afternoon - didn't REALLY think you were gonna answer your phone! :)

Anonymous said...

i miss you guys =(

Chrishelle said...

We miss everyone, too!! It's hard to update the blog because the computer is slow and there is always someone waiting to use it. It rained all day today and Kirk almost got struck by lightning in the dive boat. I had decided to skip that me!

Anonymous said...

ok, enough stuff has happened on this trip. it's time for y'all to come home b/c i said so. so there!

Sherry said...

I agree! :)

Sherry said...

I agree! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey. I thought this was supposed to be about Morgan. And how can you be on vacation without a job :-0? Just kidding. Hope you're having a wonderful time.