Sunday, July 02, 2006

Vacation Days 1 and 2??

Ok, so travelling to Punta Cana didn't go exactly as planned. It all started when we got to the airport on June 17th and realized we had forgotten one suitcase with all of our SCUBA gear in it. We called my dad and sister to see if they would drive all the way to Mandeville to pick up the suitcase and get it to the airport before our plane took off. They actually didn't make it until we found out our flight was delayed due to bad weather in Houston. They made it just in time for us to learn the flight was delayed another hour, so thanks Dad and Mallory for the suitcase! That second hour passed and the Captain came back on the intercom and said they were going to let us off the plane for lunch and to be back in an hour. The long and short of it was that we were delayed in New Orleans a total of 7 hours before we finally made it to Houston. Of course we had missed our connecting flight to Punta Cana, so we waited in the massively long line to find out our only option was to be rerouted to Newark, NJ and get on a 9:00 a.m. flight out of Newark to Punta Cana on Sunday morning. Well the flight to Newark was also delayed, so we left Houston at 11:00 p.m. and landed in Newark at 4 a.m., slept and ate some breakfast in the ariport and then got on the plane to head to Punta Cana. The pictures are of us in Newark around 5 a.m...we look lovely, don't we???


Anonymous said...

ur welcome!...and very sexy pictures

Sherry said...

Those are hilarious it!!

Sorry ya'll had such crappy luck!

steele family said...

i feel for you. i once was stuck in miami for a night with my aunt and her kids, a 2 year old and a new born. it was HORRIBLE!