Monday, July 17, 2006

Back to Work

I never updated on my old job, but today was my official 1st day back at WLAE. Things have definitely changed over there...different people, different offices, different programs. I have a new boss (my old boss is still there, but things have been reorganized) and I'll be doing some different things. It was kind of slow today but I guess first days usually are. I still have no computer, no phone, no office supplies, but I guess I'm lucky to at least have a desk...and a job. I'm just ready to get back into working on TV projects.


Anonymous said...

yay chrishelle!

steele family said...

congratulations chrishelle! i had been wondering about that, glad to hear it is official.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Chrishelle! I'm glad you were able to get back to WLAE.I can't wait to hear about your new projects.

Sherry said...

Hey, Yvette - I don't have any comments from you on my blog!! What's up with that???
Congrats on the job! I know you're loving being there rather than at the pool.