Saturday, July 22, 2006

Going Crabbing with Pa

At the boat launch

Julian and Pa enjoying the boat ride

Pulling the net out of the water

Putting the crabs into the hamper

Friday evening, Julian and Kirk hopped on Pa's boat and went crabbing out in Lake Pontchartrain. They had a contest going to see who would catch more crabs in their net...the final score was Julian 9 and Kirk 8. Julian won!! Pa sure knows how to boil crabs. We went to a crab and shrimp boil at the Colgan house last weekend and ate our fill of the delicious seafood. Pa, when's the next crab boil???


Anonymous said...

gimme some of dem crabs =)...thanx for the crabs that y'all sent here. they were delicious!!!

Anonymous said...

Morgan is going fishing tomorrow.We bought her and her cousins a new fishing pole and tackle box. Now if only we could figure out how everyhing goes together! Grampy can't wait to buy the bait.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Dad! Chrishelle and I miss ya! Well, Chrishelle missed the cake, anyway.